Everyone needs a getaway - a break from their routine. We need daily breaks from the schedule, weekly breaks from work, and occasional breaks from all of it. My career is fitness (so happy I chose that 30 years ago!). Like everyone else, I want to take a break from my "work routine" when I am on vacation. But, just like everyone else, I am happy and more energetic when I get my exercise in. So how do I reckon the two? 🤔
If I am not gone more then 3 or 4 days, I skip picking up a weight. Strength training is a regular part of my fitness, and I like to put the weights down and avoid a gym or class when traveling for short amounts of time.
Last week while visiting Jim's parents, I cycled (outdoors) and hiked. Both were amazingly beautiful! If you haven't been to Greenville, SC, you should figure out a way to get there. Our path took us through downtown and through wooded trails (check out this awesome tree we found!). I was totally refreshed in mind and body when I finished (well maybe after a shower for the body ).
What about you? Can you do something this weekend that will get you outside and away from your normal fitness routine? For some of you, the weekend may be the time you try to catch up on fitness. Either way, be present and enjoy the moment, no matter how challenging. Then let me know how you feel afterwards. I can't wait to hear from you!