Michelle Root is our new Healthy Hero! Michelle has been working out with me for about 4 years. When she started she just wanted to feel better and have more energy. I don't even remember her having a 'weight" problem, but you can see by the extra 20 lbs in her before pic that she was headed down the typical American path. But the last few years have taken her on a journey to love a healthy lifestyle and reap the benefits of good nutrition, consistent workouts, and increased community with our morning workout team. In fact, she is proof of the anti-aging benefits of wellness. Look how much younger she looks in her after pic 6 years later!
We just finished a month long team challenge. We all need a little extra motivation to get us out of our rut, and Michelle became even more fit during May. We did a group challenge a year ago, and Michelle started running a mile with her team before camp then. In her testimony she will say that she needed the challenge, but the truth is that Michelle is one of the few who has kept up those extra runs and regular workouts even when traveling. Here is what she has to say about her journey:
"Thank goodness we completed the healthy challenge this month. It really got me back on track and made it a lot easier to get into a bathing suit for Memorial Day weekend. 😃 I love how we focus on nutrition as well as good fitness habits in our boot camp. All of the hard work I put into "working out" would almost be for waste if I did not eat well. The challenge to eat more veggies and drink more water really had me thinking about that Every. Single. Day. And I have to tell you that I used to have joint problems, mostly in my hands and knees, and since I gave up sugar and got back on track with eating right, I no longer have that pain or discomfort. Having the group challenge made me dedicated to come to camp every day and get in extra workouts. And I love the 5:30AM class how we all support each other and continue to challenge and pick each other up. I know my family eats better as a whole because I am healthy and are leading by example. And when momma cooks, we all win, right?? I feel great, I sleep better, and I am confident in my skin! I don't know if I would have the support from other members if I went anywhere else. This group makes it easier to get up at 4:45AM to RUN and then work out in addition. Thanks for all you do!"
Michelle it really is all about what YOU do! You make the choices everyday to be the best person, wife, mom, employee, and friend that you can be, and your commitment to healthy living is inspirational to all of us! Congrats on being our new Healthy Hero!

What is a Healthy Hero? We’ll be featuring a couple "Healthy Heroes" on the blog each month! These people will be campers who have made great improvements at boot camp, been consistent in showing up each week, recruited friends, or just had a positive attitude and worked their tails off at every class. If you’re featured on the blog, you’ll get $5 gift card to a Juice/Smoothie restaurant of your choice (i.e.- Tropical Smoothie Café, JuiceLand, Smoothie King, etc)...not to mention bragging rights!