Beth is our new Healthy Hero!
She has been coming to our boot camp for over 4 years! Beth is is super consistent, works hard, challenges herself in extra ways when needed, yet totally ignores me if I try to get her to do something she doesn’t want to. 😉 You can see from the picture above that Beth has had major physical changes, but one thing I love and appreciate about Beth is that she is the same beautiful person inside and out as before. I never even knew she wanted to lose weight, because she seemed happy with who she was and the fact that she was strong and healthy. But when she made up her mind to make a change, she went all in and made it happen!
Here is what she has to say:
“I love bootcamp because my early mornings are spent with such a great group of friends who are supportive and help keep each other accountable. When I started bootcamp with Pam, everything seemed hard, especially running, but I knew I'd get stronger if I stuck with it, so I did. I also eventually made some changes to my nutrition (cutting out sugar completely), and 55 lbs came off within 4 months. Now, just shy of 2 years later, those 55 lbs are still gone!”
Congrats on being a well deserved Healthy Hero Beth! You inspire us!!!

What is a Healthy Hero? We’ll be featuring a couple "Healthy Heroes" on the blog each month! These people will be campers who have made great improvements at boot camp, been consistent in showing up each week, recruited friends, or just had a positive attitude and worked their tails off at every class. If you’re featured on the blog, you’ll get $5 gift card to a Juice/Smoothie restaurant of your choice (i.e.- Tropical Smoothie Café, JuiceLand, Smoothie King, etc)...not to mention bragging rights!